
personality test's result

well, this is not the first time I did this kind of test, but....I think these results below are really (well, better say it closely) the same with me. I found my self as ENFP: Extravert, iNtuiting, Feeling, Perceiving. definitely a champion, the sites says. it's kinda shocking because I found no jobs that I really want in the results below: a doctor. I only found jobs that I really interested to, not what I really wanna be. but, that's okay. it helps me (a little bit) to get to know who really I am, but not because these results below, I give up on my dreams. okay, no mongseng ya, here comes the results:

ENFP: berjiwa hangat, menerima, suka menolong, dan penuh kasih. Penuh antusiasme dan ide-ide baru. Menghargai kebebasan dan otonomi. Baik dalam berkomunikasi dan menginspirasi tindakan. Kreatif, spontan, positif, dan suka bersenang-senang. Individualistis, memiliki wawasan perspektif.
and these results below are the details of the results above:

Like the other Idealists, Champions are rather rare, say three or four percent of the population, but even more than the others they consider intense emotional experiences as being vital to a full life. Champions have a wide range and variety of emotions, and a great passion for novelty. They see life as an exciting drama, pregnant with possibilities for both good and evil, and they want to experience all the meaningful events and fascinating people in the world. The most outgoing of the Idealists, Champions often can't wait to tell others of their extraordinary experiences. Champions can be tireless in talking with others, like fountains that bubble and splash, spilling over their own words to get it all out. And usually this is not simple storytelling; Champions often speak (or write) in the hope of revealing some truth about human experience, or of motivating others with their powerful convictions. Their strong drive to speak out on issues and events, along with their boundless enthusiasm and natural talent with language, makes them the most vivacious and inspiring of all the types.

Fiercely individualistic, Champions strive toward a kind of personal authenticity, and this intention always to be themselves is usually quite attractive to others. At the same time, Champions have outstanding intuitive powers and can tell what is going on inside of others, reading hidden emotions and giving special significance to words or actions. In fact, Champions are constantly scanning the social environment, and no intriguing character or silent motive is likely to escape their attention. Far more than the other Idealists, Champions are keen and probing observers of the people around them, and are capable of intense concentration on another individual. Their attention is rarely passive or casual. On the contrary, Champions tend to be extra sensitive and alert, always ready for emergencies, always on the lookout for what's possible.
Champions are good with people and usually have a wide range of personal relationships. They are warm and full of energy with their friends. They are likable and at ease with colleagues, and handle their employees or students with great skill. They are good in public and on the telephone, and are so spontaneous and dramatic that others love to be in their company. Champions are positive, exuberant people, and often their confidence in the goodness of life and of human nature makes good things happen.

People naturally confide in the Champion (ENFP). That's why they make such good mediators, counselors, teachers, consultants, and reporters. Any position that outreaches to others can fit the Champion. They can be columnists, journalists, publicists, copy writers, advertising account executives. In the arts they can be character actors, cartoonists, art educators. If they choose jobs such as restaurateur, be sure that their business sites will be unique and designed for a particular type of customer. Don't be surprised to see them as an inventor. This type of personality wants to experience the whole of life and may change careers more often than many other types.

so, secara garis besar, emang semua yang ditulis di situ 90% bener. so happy to know that I can be a good creator someday! and I love to be different. lol. :))

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